The truth is, there's no perfect way to store your dolls. How you store your doll depends on what is convenient for you. Some people have enough space under their bed that they prefer to put the doll back in the box and push it down. Others like to hang their dolls vertically in their closets. In this part of the blog, we will give you some ideas on how to store your dolls vertically. Cost less than $10.
One way to store your love dolls vertically is to hang the doll from a closet rod. Below is an example of a doll hanging vertically from a rod.
When storing your love or sex doll, it is wise to cover it with the protective soft cloth blanket that comes with the doll, as shown in the picture above. Or, if you prefer, you can purchase clear or white plastic covers to cover your wedding dress or suit over. Avoid using black or dark colored covers as they can stain your doll. You can wrap the head or cover it with the white pouch that comes with the doll.
They are various bolts that fit into the doll's neck for hooks etc. You can adjust how your doll hangs using a combination of hooks, bolts, and chains. Here are some examples of bolts and hooks used to hang adult sex dolls.
These bolts, hooks, and chains can be purchased at your local hardware store or online. We recommend taking the neck screws/bolts to a hardware store and having them find the size that works for you.
When storing your sex doll vertically, make sure the feet are on the floor, we recommend that you do not leave the doll hanging freely around its neck (feet off the ground). While we believe that free hanging will not damage your sex doll, over time it can put stress and tension on the neck and deform the metal frame. Therefore, by keeping the feet in contact with the ground, the force is distributed more evenly along the customize sexdoll, making the doll's bones less likely to deform.
Some people also find it more convincing to dress the doll in a standing position. So by holding your doll in an upright position with neck support, you'll be able to pull up her pants more easily.
There are many ways to store your love dolls, but if you prefer hanging your dolls vertically without spending a lot of money, this is one way to store your love dolls.