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Being a warrior against a skilled player is a nightmare
Добавлено Nfkjasfas, Вторник, Ноябрь 7, 2023 - 02:50

You'll also have to swap stances and having a large number of macros to be efficient WoTLK Classic Gold, such as switching between your two-handed weapon and shield frequently to block spells and limit the damage that is incoming. The reason why you don't want to be a warrior is that you don't enjoy having to chase targets for untils, or having an abundance of macros, T bones and other for swapping stances, weapons and stances along with having two distinct stances which require a shield but the other one doesn't with having three separate hotbars, including a combat stance defensive stances and for circumstance.

Being a warrior against a skilled player is a nightmare as they'll always be monitoring the healers and DPS to avoid any heels and damage along with always charging their opponents and great reflects plus a ton of damage and pressure on the person they are hitting. When played correctly. Arms warriors are a total challenge. The class is easy to pick up and master, however playing at a high level is extremely difficult.

If you are thinking of playing the protection warrior They play exactly like arms, however it doesn't really change stances that much since you have both shields and swords available at all times and most of your abilities can be utilized in a defensive stance as well as your spell reflect to sleep on your team as well as you and you're clearly more durable than arms.

You do have silences and stuns that give you good CC and burst but your damage per round is small compared to armour and you're not equipped with Mortal Strike. It's definitely a wonderful spec for very specific prompts however, if used correctly, can be very effective. The next class is the warlock. This class has two main PvP spec's which are destruction and affliction. They have very different playstyles so let's start out with affliction buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold. This type of specialization provides a lot of control and also has lots of dot damage.

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