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Oil Pump: The Heart of the Lubrication System
Добавлено qocsuing, Пятница, Июль 26, 2024 - 03:14

Oil Pump: The Heart of the Lubrication System

The oil pump, often referred to as the heart of the lubrication system, plays a vital role in the operation of an internal combustion engine. It is responsible for sucking up oil from the oil pan and forcing it around the oilways in the engine. After the oil has circulated through the engine, it drops back into the sump and is recirculated.Get more news about Oil Pump,you can vist our website!

The oil pump is a highly critical part of the engine. If an oil pump stops working, it will lead to expensive engine failure every time. This is why the oil pump is so directly driven from the crankshaft. Oil pumps are typically situated in the oil pan, or more commonly, at the front of the engine.

The oil pump sucks oil up from the sump through a pipe, called a pickup pipe. The pipe’s nozzle sits below the surface of the oil, and it is covered by a gauze filter which prevents large particles from being sucked up into the pump. If this filter screen was to be completely blocked, then the engine would not pick up any oil and the engine would be at great risk of being destroyed.

Most oil pumps are driven directly by the crankshaft. All oil pumps are called positive displacement pumps - the amount of oil that leaves is the same as that enters. In other words, the pump moves oil from one side, to the other. As engine RPM increases, the pump turns faster and more oil is pumped. This is convenient because at higher engine speeds lubrication and cooling require a greater flow of oil.

It is important to note that oil pressure is not produced by the oil pump. The oil pressure is caused by restrictions to the flow of oil - through narrow passageways, jet nozzles, and tight bearing clearances. If we simply connected a pipe to the outlet side of the oil pump and allowed it to discharge back into the sump, then there would be no oil pressure - the oil could flow unrestricted.

In conclusion, the oil pump is an essential component of the lubrication system in an internal combustion engine. It ensures that oil is circulated throughout the engine, providing necessary lubrication and cooling. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the design and functionality of oil pumps, promising even greater efficiency and reliability in the future.

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