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check this out, rating 73232 votes, tracklist

check this out, rating 73232 votes, tracklist
Добавлено accigmascousa, Пятница, Март 22, 2013 - 13:43

A film with an amazing emotional power, tells about the people, in whose fate ruthlessly invaded by the war. Not all were able to with honor stand the test... In the center of the kinopovesti - the tragic story of the two lovers, which the war had separated forever... mp3 / http://blog.yahoo.com/_ZJIKK44LEJU5GFES7XTF7CQJYY/articles/1135469/commentRss, douglas greed. solar face; top 75 of 1978 10 out of 10 Dr. Leonard Cheney gets in a car accident, in which his daughter Nancy losing his eyesight. Cheney is desperately trying to find a way to return the sight of his daughter. Soon he comes to the conclusion that it is not enough to implant the roots of the eyeball from a dead donor, and should be implanted into the eye. But not a dead, but a living person. The doctor decides to use as a donor friend of his daughters of Dan, with whom she had not seen since the accident. But the operation to transplant fails. Then the doctor Cheney is looking for a new victim, and then another one. But torn eyes don't want to settle down in the body of Nancy. She did not know what their blinded by the victim's father locked in a cage, located in the basement of their house... example here, going here innovation valentine showcase 2003 drum&bass l-double.

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