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www.nhlpucks.com and into Olympic field competing gold claimed silver of target also no achieved

www.nhlpucks.com and into Olympic field competing gold claimed silver of target also no achieved
Добавлено Gill48, Суббота, Март 8, 2014 - 04:26

NHL Pucks Past national hockey training, ideas and international difference would be, in some places even the understanding of the rules varies greatly between the coach, it clearly cannot meet the demand for cultivating high-level talents. To change this situation, the hockey project strengthening the construction of theory, organization compiled teaching materials and supporting diagrams, combining teaching material authoring actions graphically, through an intuitive visual help grass-roots coaches understand technology and rules, turned into the standardization and internationalization of the grass-roots level and thickness of the nhlpucks.com race. Training game that is ultimately going to do to achieve the objective of communication, display, test, relatively few youth events in the past, now held every summer camp and Junior Championships. While, not only has Youth Championship, and also has all province of province shipped will, events can test training results, these events to youth training also up to has promoting role Tan Ying said: "Although we expectations of talent to international, and into Olympic field competing gold claimed silver of target also no achieved, but from currently reserve talent training of overall situation view, we also is is has confidence of. Cultivation of talented people are qianrenzaishu, Greenwood's work, a gentleman, and a gentleman, I think our hard efforts will eventually pay off, our small team of coaches and staff also encourage ourselves to each other, looking forward to it. I really hope that one day the team performance in the Olympics, there was little team produced players, we worked hard over the years have not been wasted, this is our pursuit and dreams! ”

This goal is the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games team prepare for war, in next year's AFC Champions Cup champion U16, China's national team will qualify for the direct access to the Youth Olympic Games, which is placed in front of a woman Qu Guo of China Team's first task, if qualification for the Youth Olympic Games, that will be the first time in the history! Tan Ying told reporters: "China's national team at the 2014 youth Olympics, aimed not only at participating, also aimed at results, the medals! ”

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