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www.esobays.com a more formal way to allow us to deliver more information faster

www.esobays.com a more formal way to allow us to deliver more information faster
Добавлено editorik879, Среда, Март 26, 2014 - 02:50

Color is one of the most basic elements of the game, but what is the psychological effect? United States of Activision's James Portnow think beautiful color and its psychological effects and game design are closely related. General idea of the colors is our most basic way to get image information, Cheap ESO Gold so game designers of the need for players to create their own cultural references. Today's primitive instincts mechanism switches to a more formal way to allow us to deliver more information faster (game state Note: due to lower user attention span and game complexity increased, we very much need to make full use of all the tools to improve communication flow). In Eastern cultures, white is usually considered a sad tone, is used to represent death, while the Western countries are inclined to adopt the black Muslim culture, green usually has a positive meaning, while in the United States this color is often reminiscent of greed. Why? Just because the dollar is about color psychology of green is a consistent view of their impact relevant to the situation. As long as this is true, then we will be able to create their own scenarios, and then in the expression of feelings through color express reservations in artistic

As long as the colors were used as channels of communication,Buy ESO Gold With fast delivery! 100% Safety! people will start to worry about artistic expression will be affected. To sort out this issue, you just have to answer: the text is lost because it is designed to communicate artistic? Whether the animation will to meaning loss of artistic expression?

On this topic, I have two points: first, color choice of artistic expression into metaphors will not be weakened and, secondly, known to this expression will be applied to a variety of specific situations. At this point you probably want to see some practical information about this. Take a look at this: the game has a very primitive language of color. Perhaps this is a bit bland, but first and foremost think of red and green, first take a look at red. Think of all you'll be injured all the games. We usually pass the screen covered with a red or red spots indicate injuries in front of the camera settings. Think back to your first time see this type of picture flashing or spots in the game. Games do not need to tell the players what it means; players know in the video game scenario, red often harm/danger/warning and think if you turn blue or green Flash. It is meaningless for us. Us for a long time has been used since the Lenovo model, therefore seems to us to take a different route to totally illogical, because it's like a jump to give a redefinition of words. If I tell you now "cats" is a four-wheeled vehicle powered by a engine, your brain will resist, refuse to accept such means, but people think the Red is very much in, because red is blood, fire and other natural colors and original things. To some extent, this is true, but let us look at the green.

Green representative in the game of "friendly" or "League". This usage is targeted at games. We may be from a psychological angle it from the green of nature, or linked to it from the angle of culture and the green light, but in fact was fixed the name green border or green in the game represent such non-hostile--meaning if members are interested, I refer to the Elder Scrolls: oblivion. Atmosphere of the game is driven not only by color, still with its games room. Create the greatest danger of this mechanism is that you may create a private language, the secret language that only insiders can understand. We have to watch out for to gain the new form at the expense of ordinary nature. This problem exists in almost all scientific, but scientific objectives which did not appeal to the masses

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