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Lithium Battery Recycling Equipment: A Sustainable Approach to Energy

Lithium Battery Recycling Equipment: A Sustainable Approach to Energy
Добавлено qocsuing, Среда, Январь 31, 2024 - 05:56

Lithium Battery Recycling Equipment: A Sustainable Approach to Energy

The surge in demand for lithium-ion batteries, driven by industries like electric car manufacturing, has led to a significant increase in the prices of cobalt and lithium, essential components in the production of these batteries. This has made the lithium-ion battery recycling market more feasible and necessary.Get more news about Lithium Battery Recycling Equipment,you can vist our website!

Companies like Met-Chem have stepped up to this challenge, manufacturing much of the equipment needed to recycle lithium-ion batteries. Their method of recycling is not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly.

The process begins with the shredding and breaking down of lithium-ion batteries into small pieces. These ground-up batteries are then transferred to a shaker table, which separates mixed plastics and metals according to their weight and size. The slurry from the shaker table contains granular solids known as "black mass".

This slurry is then transferred and collected in a filter tank, where it is processed by a Filter Press. The Filter Press uses pressure filtration to separate the "black mass" from the lithium brine solution. The filtered water/lithium brine is then transferred and pumped over to the Evaporation System.

The Evaporation System is ideally suited for dewatering and concentrating the brine solutions. The temperature-controlled heated tank system allows for the evaporation process to occur at a constant temperature, which is crucial due to the presence of various volatile chemicals in the brine.

In conclusion, the recycling of lithium-ion batteries is not only a viable solution to the increasing demand and cost of lithium and cobalt but also a sustainable approach to energy production. Companies like Met-Chem are leading the way in this endeavor, providing safe, easy-to-use, and environmentally friendly solutions for lithium-ion battery recycling.

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