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Добавлено accigmascousa, Четверг, Март 14, 2013 - 21:28 |
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Добавлено accigmascousa, Четверг, Март 14, 2013 - 21:12 |
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Добавлено accigmascousa, Четверг, Март 14, 2013 - 17:03 |
Robin of Locksley 05.01.2013 Movies about the martial arts of the time can be divided into two types. The first - movies about teenagers-the loser, which badly battered in the school. The second - the films of the international battles, which in turn were divided into pictures of the underground battles in the ring or in prison, and painting of the officially sanctioned competitions. Of course, there were exceptions, like 'Bloody moon', but it was very rare... read more' more about the author || 2003 || house || lychee and naranja || atomic jambon beurre.
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Добавлено accigmascousa, Четверг, Март 14, 2013 - 15:55 |
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Добавлено accigmascousa, Четверг, Март 14, 2013 - 14:45 |
After this light Comedy Louis Malle create a heavy and the 'Damage' and experimental 'Vanya on 42nd street' and went into eternity. Gone, leaving us his multi-faceted and brilliant film, a movie in which he tried to honest answer to so many of his questions, inviting the viewer to dialogue, making it his partner and ally. He himself has become one of the symbols of world cinema, along with Truffaut, Godarom, Bunyuelem, Alain and many other great film Directors of the past. Director, 10 years has lived away from home, was well aware how important this house and what significance it has for a man who simply nowhere to go.
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Добавлено accigmascousa, Четверг, Март 14, 2013 - 14:40 |
miskal lania * user rating 42 The distant future was close, close - will be bloody. Assassin reg Cameron on the orders of their chiefs destroys the General Wu of the Chinese red Armii.Za head Redja is assigned a reward of up to 10 million dollars, and now in negoohotyatsya all, even gangsters of the `Triad`. The furious chase through the streets of Hong Kong turns into an endless carnage, uchinennuyu on the eve of the July 1, 1997, the day when the Hong Kong must return the structure of China. look at this | http://teogeefo.blog.com/?p=7 A music lover, Brian Fitzgerald, which the Indians called Fitstskarra'do, obsessed with the idea of built in his native town of Ikitose this Opera house.