Key Terms Explained
Understanding the jargon associated with RPOs is crucial for making the right decisions during gameplay:
Read: Indicates you can choose to hand off to the running back, run with the quarterback, or pass. This option provides flexibility based on the defensive alignment.
Glance: Similar to Read but with a more traditional passing setup. You can hand off, pass, or scramble with the quarterback.
Walk: Refers to plays where the quarterback holds the ball longer, allowing more time to decide whether to hand off or pass.
How RPOs Work
In "CFB 25," RPOs are designed to simplify decision-making during plays. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to execute RPOs effectively:
Pre-Snap Read: Before the snap, observe the defensive alignment and the icons above defenders' heads. These icons indicate whether the defenders are keying on the run (R) or pass (P).
Post-Snap Decision:
For RPO Read Plays: If the R defender (read key) moves toward the running back, you might choose to keep the ball with the quarterback. Conversely, if the P defender (pass key) is out of position, you might opt to pass.
For RPO Glance Plays: The decision is often between passing or scrambling based on the defensive pressure and the available routes.
Executing the Play:
Hand-Off: Press the button (X on Xbox, Square on PlayStation) to hand off the ball if you decide it’s the best option.
Keep and Pass: Hold the button to keep the ball and look for open receivers.
Keep and Run: If you choose to run, use the right stick to evade defenders and gain yardage.
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