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MUT22 Super Bowl Past missing teams

MUT22 Super Bowl Past missing teams
Добавлено Skyzhay, Вторник, Март 29, 2022 - 02:24

To keep the game fair, Madden 22 Mut 22 coins did include many clubs in its MUT 22 Super Bowl Past promotion. There are however a handful of teams we'd loved to see.

It's fun to think about all the available players that could've been turned into MUT22 cards has us thrilled. Imagine a 97 OVR Aaron Rodgers from the Green Bay Packers 2011 Super Bowl.

Not a single one of these teams was awarded an Madden 22 Super Bowl Past player card. There are ton of players on each of this teams who played during their Super Bowl eras that we would've liked to see.

As we mentioned earlier, we would've liked the idea of an LTD Aaron Rodgers card, but even an Troy Aikman MUT 22 card could've been awesome. The Cowboys were home to legendary wide receiver Michael Irvin as well that could have been a great receiver that could have been paired with Larry Fitzgerald.

Imagine you own a cheap Madden 22 coins Madden 22, Jack Lambert linebacker card from his time as the most feared linebacker in his time. The hard-hitting linebacker was awarded Rookie of Year and was the centerpiece of the Steelers defense that defeated the Minnesota Vikings in Super Bowl IX over the Minnesota Vikings.

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